UNESCO includes performing arts and oral traditions in what is considered cultural intangible heritage, and defines it as “an important factor in maintaining cultural diversity in the face of growing globalization”.
Traditional singing, both a performing art and an oral tradition, is a vital aspect of community cultural heritage, and it is under threat of extinction. Many traditional singing techniques are being lost worldwide as older generations pass away.
In the Americas, the impact on communities where these traditions are born can be even bigger, due to massive immigration, domestic as well as international.
Voices of the Americas Heritage Institute is the first and only U.S. organization dedicated to specifically preserving and promoting the rich heritage of traditional singing of the Americas. By leveraging new technologies and cultural diplomacy, VTA Heritage Institute wants to bridge generations of artists and communities across borders, to ensure that the voices of the past continue to resonate through the voices of the future.
While walking its road to conservation and promotion of the traditional singing heritage of the Americas, VTA Heritage Institute is committed to consistently fostering intercultural dialogue and encouraging mutual respect, ultimately leading to understanding.
Music is a confluence of different elements and it can be difficult to pinpoint the exact origin of a musical tradition, which is why Voices of the Americas Heritage Institute defines traditional singing as “the entirety of singing traditions, from indigenous singing to modern folk singing” of the Americas. While musical contamination is inevitable and it is actually what enriches music, it is important to recognize the specific communities where a singing tradition originates, documenting their authentic musical heritage and preserving their singing legacy with rigor and respect. Driven by this belief Voices of the Americas Heritage Institute advocates for:
Preserving and valuing the history and authenticity of singing traditions and supporting the communities from where they come.
Connecting traditional singing and music communities of the Americas to create a bridge for intercultural cooperation and understanding.
Innovating the way traditional singing and music are discovered and learned, by leveraging new technologies.
This policy applies to everyone we have business relations with. This includes individual people such as employees, interns, volunteers, but also business entities, such as vendors, enterprise customers or venture capital companies. We strive to hire ethical people who have their own personal standards, so we expect that a written code won’t be necessary most of the time. But, it can still be helpful.
Voices of The Americas Heritage Institute is committed to encouraging equality, diversity and inclusion among the workforce. The scope of this policy is to create a working environment free of bullying, harassment, victimization and unlawful discrimination, promoting dignity and respect for all, and where individual differences and the contributions of all staff are recognized and valued.
Founded in 1851, designated a preeminent university in the state of Florida, is one of the most respected research and learning institutions in the country. FSU College of Music is the third largest university-based music program in the nation. FSU Center for Music of the Americas promotes the scholarship, performance, and dissemination of musics found in the American Hemisphere, from Tierra del Fuego to the Arctic Circle.
The University of the Andes is an autonomous, independent and innovative institution that promotes pluralism, tolerance and respect for ideas; which seeks academic excellence and provides its students with critical and ethical training to strengthen their awareness of their social and civic responsibilities, as well as their commitment to the environment.
The nonprofit preserves and celebrates music from America’s diverse cultural history, envisioning an engaged and informed citizenry that respects people of varying backgrounds and appreciates how different cultures have contributed to America’s musical landscape. Founded by Matthew Sabatella, Vice President of the Southeast regional chapter of Folk Alliance International (SERFA).
Americans for the Arts serves, advances, and leads the network of organizations and individuals who cultivate, promote, sustain, and support the arts in America. Founded in 1960, Americans for the Arts is the nation’s leading nonprofit organization for advancing the arts and arts education.
Open call for institutions, singers, musicians, content creators, digital artists, writers, bloggers, music reviewers, researchers, scholars, non-profit/grants experts, or anyone simply interested in traditional singing. Let’s get together and create something meaningful.